If you’ve turned on the news recently, then you are aware of the current Russian invasion of Ukraine. And if you’ve been looking for a way to help out and possibly donate to Ukrainians in need, a number of local breweries and beer bars are doing their part by giving you the opportunity to do just that through donations via beer sales and events. Take a look below at some of the events and beer tappings happening around Western New York:
Hofbrauhaus Buffalo
Southern Tier Brewing Company – Lakewood
Southern Tier Brewing Company – Buffalo
Buffalo Brewing Company
Big Ditch Brewing
Pizza Plant Transit
“Pizza Plant is proud to host “The Ukrainian Freedom Imperial Stout Celebration” on Sunday, March 13, from noon to close at Pizza Plant Transit. As most know, this was previously the “R$&@#%ns Are Coming,” so we made an about face to create a benefit for Ukraine. We will donate a portion of beer sales directly to the Buffalo Ukrainian Cultural Center, plus options will be available for all to make individual donations. Ukrainian flags for all purchasing a flight. Thanks to Emil Bandriwsky of “Dripro” for helping to coordinate.”
Lafayette Brewing Company
Lafayette Brewing is taking donations for those interested in helping out the cause. There will be a donation box set up at the taproom, along with a poster to mark donation levels. While donations are separate from the beer, Lafayette has released a number of new lagers, including Celler Dwellar Kellerbier, brewed with Hallertau and Saaz hopps for a spicy floral aroma, a beer that is crushable and leaves you wanting more, along with Skeet Skeet Peach Wheat Lager and Hit It From the Bock.
42 North Brewing Company
Check back for updates to this list as they become available. And if you know of any that we have missed and need to be included, please email brian@buffalobeerleague.com.
Brian Campbell is co-founder and Brand Manager of the Buffalo Beer League, and writes the weekly Buffalo Beer Buzz column. If you have beer news that should be included in the Beer Buzz, Brian can be reached at brian@buffalobeerleague.com, on Twitter (@buffbeerleague), Instagram (@buffalobeerleague), and Facebook (@thebuffalobeerleague).