Buffalo Distilling Company will release Robby’s Bass Buzz Honey Bourbon, supporting the mission of Music Is Art through sales of each bottle.

The release event will be held at Buffalo Distilling Company, 860 Seneca St., in the Larkinville District of Buffalo on Tuesday, July 30, starting at 5 p.m. An appearance by Robby Takac and live music by Phillip Stephen and Nico Zarcone are among the highlights of the event. A food truck will be on site from 5 to 8 p.m., and sales and tastings of Robby’s Bass Buzz will continue throughout the party. Admission is free.

Buffalo Distilling Company’s newest collaboration is with local/global bass player and rock superstar Robby Takac, his Music Is Art organization and thousands of local bees. Robby’s Bass Buzz is straight bourbon distilled in Buffalo and finished in delicious honey casks. The bourbon has also been “bass aged” by Robby himself! The first 100 bottles include surprise delights! Enriching the community through access to music never tasted so good, and Buffalo Distilling Company is excited to help support Music Is Art through this campaign.

Music Is Art will also be accepting donations of any musical instrument you can carry to the event. The donated instruments will go to kids in need through the Music Is Art Foundation.

Buffalo Distilling Company is a New York Farm Distillery and produces whiskey and other products made from local grain. For more information, visit buffalodistillingcompany.com, facebook.com/BuffaloDistillingCo or instagram.com/buffalo_distilling.