Erie, PA – Next week is anniversary week at Erie Ale Works, featuring five days of local food trucks, beer releases, and lots of friends and family. The official anniversary party runs Wednesday, September 4 through Sunday, September 8. All at Erie Ale Works, 416 West 12th Street.

Anniversary Week details:

  • Some of our best food friends on four wheels including The Que Abides, E Dogg’s Hot Dogs, The Atacolypse, A Waffle Miracle, the brand new Casey’s Ice Cream Cart, and ippa Pizza Napoletana
  • Release of our anticipated autumn seasonal, Octoberfest and another beer to be announced
  • The annual return of our original 5’ bar
  • A giveaway or two of course
  • A Mishka Premium Vodka sampling Wednesday night

Co-owners Steve Anthony and Jeff McCullor started brewing in Jeff’s garage over a decade ago, eventually opening Erie Ale Works on September 6, 2014 at 416 West 12th Street, showing growth every year since.

“Ten years in and what a time we’ve had. We collectively stared down countless challenges including a global pandemic and record-high inflation all while unwavering from our values and offering our community some unique products we’re quite proud of. We’re taking this time to mark our 10th anniversary, and we really have local beer fans to thank. Without them none of this would be possible – we wouldn’t have a company, coworkers, a boatload of friends, or our beer. They make it all happen and we can’t thank them enough for that,” McCullor said.

For more information, visit